Ah! The first writer to return to the viewpoint of a character whose head we've already been inside after more story twists are laid.

From a plotting standpoint it all works, somehow. It's a nice weave in the tapestry.

From a style standpoint it's not quite a 100% mesh - this version of the character obviously isn't the same as the chapter 1 version - but that's part of the nature of this story being passed around like a joint in a frat house with each writer getting one chance to slot in and limited time to write.

It was a risky choice to return to a viewpoint character after everything before, but it does, overall, work quite well. Applause for you!

Moving on with the binge!

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Yeah, I really game into it like... wow, ok I need to organize this somehow lol. I probably broke some rules in the process but I think the rules were already broken to begin with 🤣

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Obviously I'm not participating in this challenge, so have no idea what the initial prompt was (hmmm... Maybe the author of chapter 10 could put the initial prompt in their Author's Notes so, at the very end, the readers can see the genesis?), or what "rules" were established, but, from my long-ago background in improv theater I imagine only hard rule is, "You cannot just 'No,' you must 'Yes, but/and.'"

I'm sorry to say after catching up this is the least successful chapter for me (I stress one person's opinion sure as hell is definitive), but it's because you made such a risky choice to return to Kate's PoV with such a radical ret con to tie her back into the web of plots. By the nature of the challenge - first drafts on display! - this is a tough one to reconcile, but, if (hypothetically) as a group the finished challenge was to go through a second draft, these lingering rough edges could be smoothed. This chapter is well written, and you obviously had a lot of fun playing, but (once again stressing subjective opinion) it's not 100% meshing with the surrounding material.

The again, I'm a Doctor Who fan, so if I've had to put up with "The Doctor is half-human! No! They're not! Here's the War Doctor! Here's the Fugitive Doctor! Timeless Child! Gallifrey is gone! It's back! It's gone again! Where DID the Sa.scha Dawan Master come from!" and still love the property, so, y'know, who cares? We read for pleasure and I enjoyed.

Also, Simon Jones had to deal with me joking that he "side step[ped] the assignment entirely to, instead, throw in some social commentary wrapped in meta-analysis, further wrapped up in an enigmatic (but appealing) character who may be slightly insane, or may be a fantasy diety hanging out on the edges of this Sci-fi/Spy-thriller story writing the damned thing!"

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I haven't read the other chapters, but I finally got to reading yours. ☺️ That's quite an intriguing start. Towards the end some parts were a bit descriptive but you only had one week. Great job!

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Yeah I think that was part of the challenge. Not a lot was defined until this point so I felt like I had to explain some of the things that happened prior. Very interesting experiment for sure!

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I'm loving all the twists that the different authors are adding to create this story. It's a brilliant idea. Ellie you have certainly given your successor a challenge.

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You have taken the story to a new level of twist and turns

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I had no choice lol

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Hi Elle,

Well, I enjoyed reading this piece. A little far fetched at the beginning (seemed to me haven’t read previous chapters), but gets brighter and frankly quite a good turn in the end. I think it’s brilliant.


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The entire story is a bit far fetched lol!!! But thank you!

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