Extraordinary. It’s might be pretty easy for an avid book lover to get Stendhal Syndrome there. His collection is definitely unique and almost enticing so there’s a reason why many movies with this subject were made in the 90s and 2000s.
By the way, Elle, you really know how to craft an eye-catching title. Bravo.
For me, I enjoyed it, but it also mostly discouraged me from wanting amazing rare books. I'm not sure why, but I had the reaction, "I'm glad to know this exists; I don't want to be in that world."
What a legend. Him and Paris book collecting extraordinaire John Baxter would have a fascinating conversation or two over a bottle of wine.
What’s the one book you’d have if you could be granted one rare book wish? I think I’d have to go with The Lion Witch & The Wardrobe for nostalgia sake
What a good question!!!!! I want the complete sets of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's and William Morris' writings. They both have 20+ hardback books of their essays in a large set out there somewhere in the world but they are ridiculously expensive because there were only 1000ish of the sets available when they were printed in the early 1900s.
Ohhhh great answer. An OG "Yellow Wallpaper" printing would be epic. It reminds me of Hemingway's "3 Stories & 10 Poems" which had like, of which there are *maybe* a few dozen copies in the world. Now if only we could get hold of his lost trunk ...
This was a wonderful read, Elle! I was amazed at the fact that the collection included the only signed first editions of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, it's unbelievable.
What he does at the end of the tour when he asks the visitors to name something and he will find a book related to that 'something', this reminds me of a BBC film that I absolutely love. It's about a photography collection and one of the staff can trace photos of people in this collection and uncover unexpected stories. It's an absolutely gorgeous film also in terms of atmosphere as it depicts the end of the analogue era and a whole way of life. It's emotional, melancholic and so artistic, I think you'll love it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_the_Past
One of my hopes when I finish writing my book is to be able to print it in a collectible edition. I'm not sure how pricey that will be but maybe I can make it happen. :)
That's a cool idea, Claudia. An awesome printed legacy.
An author acquaintance of mine has published one copy each of all her books in leather, hardbound, and signed them all, as an intentional part of her personal estate. She's written 30 something books now.
Oh I love that idea! I definitely want to create leather editions of my books one day! Maybe I'll do it as a kickstarter set in a decade or so, when I have a big enough body of work. 🥰
This is so wild that I keep reading it again.
Ha! I know!!!
Late to the game per usual, but I’m absolutely delighted and encouraged by this story.
I loved the quote from him about how the people to people connection and storytelling is his greatest asset in business.
Also, I can’t believe his signed Hobbit and LOTR editions.
Time to go down a very specific TikTok binge...
He's such a legend. Highly recommend the TikTok binge....
“Moon is currently mentoring two individuals who will assume the collection and the business when he’s gone. ”
the next Drops of God, for books.... or Shadows of the Moon maybe?
Haha, I love it!
Extraordinary. It’s might be pretty easy for an avid book lover to get Stendhal Syndrome there. His collection is definitely unique and almost enticing so there’s a reason why many movies with this subject were made in the 90s and 2000s.
By the way, Elle, you really know how to craft an eye-catching title. Bravo.
Haha, one of my favorite titles too.
And you're so right. My head hurt after visiting Moon's Rare Books from the sheer amount of treasures I was flipping through!!!
A lovely tribute to someone who has managed to succeed with their passion.
Did you see the documentary The Booksellers: https://booksellersdocumentary.com/
For me, I enjoyed it, but it also mostly discouraged me from wanting amazing rare books. I'm not sure why, but I had the reaction, "I'm glad to know this exists; I don't want to be in that world."
What a legend. Him and Paris book collecting extraordinaire John Baxter would have a fascinating conversation or two over a bottle of wine.
What’s the one book you’d have if you could be granted one rare book wish? I think I’d have to go with The Lion Witch & The Wardrobe for nostalgia sake
What a good question!!!!! I want the complete sets of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's and William Morris' writings. They both have 20+ hardback books of their essays in a large set out there somewhere in the world but they are ridiculously expensive because there were only 1000ish of the sets available when they were printed in the early 1900s.
Ohhhh great answer. An OG "Yellow Wallpaper" printing would be epic. It reminds me of Hemingway's "3 Stories & 10 Poems" which had like, of which there are *maybe* a few dozen copies in the world. Now if only we could get hold of his lost trunk ...
YES. Right???? The dream....
Wow, what a mind-blowing tour that must have been! He has the best job in the world. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
(I'm going back to read everything I can in your publishing series. It's been awhile and I always learn something new)
He seriously does have the best job in the world!!!!!
Hope you enjoy all the older posts!!!!! This is definitely an industry I'm passionate about!
This was a wonderful read, Elle! I was amazed at the fact that the collection included the only signed first editions of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, it's unbelievable.
What he does at the end of the tour when he asks the visitors to name something and he will find a book related to that 'something', this reminds me of a BBC film that I absolutely love. It's about a photography collection and one of the staff can trace photos of people in this collection and uncover unexpected stories. It's an absolutely gorgeous film also in terms of atmosphere as it depicts the end of the analogue era and a whole way of life. It's emotional, melancholic and so artistic, I think you'll love it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_the_Past
One of my hopes when I finish writing my book is to be able to print it in a collectible edition. I'm not sure how pricey that will be but maybe I can make it happen. :)
Oh, that sounds so cool—I'll have to check out that film. Thank you so much for sharing that with me!
And you absolutely should print your book!!!!! It is expensive, but you can get your founding subscribers to pay for it if they're interested!
I would love to hear your impressions if you do manage to watch it.
That's what I had in mind after seeing you do it with your first book 🤣 It's actually amazing that you could achieve your goal!
That's a cool idea, Claudia. An awesome printed legacy.
An author acquaintance of mine has published one copy each of all her books in leather, hardbound, and signed them all, as an intentional part of her personal estate. She's written 30 something books now.
Oh I love that idea! I definitely want to create leather editions of my books one day! Maybe I'll do it as a kickstarter set in a decade or so, when I have a big enough body of work. 🥰
I remember that you mentioned once this beautiful high-end book box in a newsletter. That was eclectic.
Wow, that's inspiring! Another writing goal for me, both to publish and write so many books. Amazing.
There’s so many books inside all of us. Hope as many as possible come out! 🥰