Hi Elle, I totally enjoyed reading this article of yours! I love your thoughts on different platforms and could totally relate to some of them that you mentioned like having no one responding because perhaps people respond to those with a huge following. At this point now I am also looking into building up my subscribers on Substack. Medium has been great but I am starting to feel a bit off there. The loyalty of the followers is one thing. Most of them follow with the hope that you would follow them back, just so they could meet the minimum requirement of 100. I am looking for loyal followers who genuinely love my works (hopefully they do) I hope you could share more on how you do it here. It is so great to see you building up subscribers here and now, having many responding to you! Thank you again.
I'm with you—and since this post I have dwindled my social media presence down to LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok. I have some more experiments to run on these three platforms, but I'm also hoping some of the features Substack is about to debut will replace social media altogether for me!
Hmm, TikTok? That is interesting as I find it harder to manage as compared to Instagram - creating reels constantly to keep the audience engaged is a challenge for me personally. But that said, I hope you find success in the experiments that you plan on doing!
I think TikTok is less about trying to keep an audience engaged on the platform, and more about the algorithmic discovery that can give someone access to one million views, even with only one video. There are some fascinating cases of obscure books becoming bestsellers because of a viral booktok video!!! It’s worth an experiment at least!
Hi Elle, I totally enjoyed reading this article of yours! I love your thoughts on different platforms and could totally relate to some of them that you mentioned like having no one responding because perhaps people respond to those with a huge following. At this point now I am also looking into building up my subscribers on Substack. Medium has been great but I am starting to feel a bit off there. The loyalty of the followers is one thing. Most of them follow with the hope that you would follow them back, just so they could meet the minimum requirement of 100. I am looking for loyal followers who genuinely love my works (hopefully they do) I hope you could share more on how you do it here. It is so great to see you building up subscribers here and now, having many responding to you! Thank you again.
I'm with you—and since this post I have dwindled my social media presence down to LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok. I have some more experiments to run on these three platforms, but I'm also hoping some of the features Substack is about to debut will replace social media altogether for me!
Hmm, TikTok? That is interesting as I find it harder to manage as compared to Instagram - creating reels constantly to keep the audience engaged is a challenge for me personally. But that said, I hope you find success in the experiments that you plan on doing!
I think TikTok is less about trying to keep an audience engaged on the platform, and more about the algorithmic discovery that can give someone access to one million views, even with only one video. There are some fascinating cases of obscure books becoming bestsellers because of a viral booktok video!!! It’s worth an experiment at least!