This effort is just so French, ❤️ it! It’s creative, provocative, and shows a firm belief in Les Arts. I don’t regret my first degree in French lit:) I agree with @Bethel Hew that the future seems to be in 8, but some of the skulls I a few of them remind me of the triptych, Garden of Earthly Delights, and the moral degradation of man. It seems like we are really in the throes of “Kalayuga” or the worst in the period of humankind. Ultimately, we can only control our own future to our best and that itself is a feat enough:) Loved the post—thank you!

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I think number 8 should be most accurate. With how we are progressing, and knowing human history, colonizing the moon or Mars does not seem so far-fetched.

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Most awesome, too! I’ve dreamed of going to space ever since I was a little kid. Always considered it a personal failure that I didn’t become an astronaut, lol.

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I resent the AI-generated teaser photo.

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I'm not sure what you mean? There is no ai-generated teaser on this post.

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5. The future according to Aurélie Pollet. I like The idea of plant life taking over the planet and growing all over human structures. The alligator hiding in the bottom took me by surprise. I guess they are welcome to since they have been around way before humans they will probably still be here after us.

But my fav is 7. The future according to Vincent Bergier. I love what he does with water, and I'd like to visit this place.

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I also loved 7. Such a fun world!

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I wouldn't mind Vincent Mahé's! Which is your favourite?

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Yes I think 4 is my favorite (realistically), but I also love 7 and 2 for their creativity!

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I wonder what you would make of the Bruce Mao documentary: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12984858/

He's a Canadian designer who has had an interesting life and is a proponent of the importance of Industrial design to making a better, more human, more livable future.

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This looks fascinating! I've added to me "to rent" list!!!

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I love the one of eating grapes in front of the Louvre!

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Me too!!!!

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